Monday, January 29, 2007

Wednesday, January 31st Homework

Based on information in the article “With Friends Like These…,” what are your own expectations for Iraq's future. Write a paragraph responding to this question and post answers to the blog.

Tuesday, January 30th Homework

Post the answers to the individual questions you received in your homework handout. Have fun!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wednesday, Jan. 24, Blog Homework

The Role of Technology

1. In "Valley of the Gadgets" (pages 69-70), Steven Levy describes the new products being promoted at the Consumer Electronics Show. Which were most interesting to you? How many types of technology do you use in a day? What would your day be like without them? Share your entries.

2. Anna Quindlen's column, "Write For Your Life" (page 74) refers to the ways that technology has both revived and changed the purpose for writing. According to Quindlen, how has e-mail revived writing? How has it also changed the form of our writing? Why does she think that "talking to yourself" is a necessary part of life? Write a few paragraphs reacting to this idea.

Tuesday, Jan. 23, Blog Homework

Reading about Education

1. The National Council on Teacher Quality has discovered that, "Learning Takes Time" (page 12). As you read, consider the following questions:

What was the purpose of a new database developed by the National Council onTeacher Quality? What did the portrait of America's 50 largest school districts show? According to the story, what are some examples of"disparity" among the school districts? What do researchers, and some members of Congress, suggest might change that disparity? How old is the idea of an extended school day? What state is setting up model extended-day programs? How do researchers suggest schools utilize the extra time? What concerns have been expressed?

Blog Response: What "inequities" did the group find? What impact might these inequities have on student learning? What are experts recommending?

2. Many of the young people featured in, "Iraq's Young Blood" (pages 24-34) have had disrupted educations. Notice examples in which learning was affected by violence, hatred or the movement of people. What advantages does school give to these students? How does its loss affect their lives and their futures? Consider the importance of school in your own life.

Blog Response: In writing, compare your life with those of young Iraqis. (75 words or more)