Monday, April 2, 2007

Week of April 2nd

Monday, April 2nd:

Hello Everyone! We had our technology check today and everything is now understood. Mohammed and Hussain need to get a different set of headphones. Next week, we expect to see everyone all together - on time - for the Webex conference.

OK - what about this week? The Newsweek magazine is all about war this week. I know you have an interest in CALIFORNIA, so let's visit the San Diego zoo online. Go to:

Click on : New podcast: Polar Bear Plunge

Select and listen to #'s 1-3. Answer the following questions for each section.

Polar Bear Plunch Introduction:
What is the extra layer of fat on a Polar Bear called?
What are two purposes of the extra fat?

Polar Bear Personalities:
Why should you wear bright colors and a funny hat when visiting these Polar Bears?

Polar Bear Food:
What is a favorite food of a Polar Bear?
Name three types of food the Polar Bears are fed at the zoo?

You can answer these questions in the comments section of the blog. I'll talk with you about it during skype sessions on Thursday.


10:00 Balail
10:15 Khalid
10:30 Mohammed
10:45 Hussain

Of course, you are still welcome to read all of the articles in the Newsweek magazine. It's a free gift, remember?

Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

1- Blubber.
2- It helps to insulates them from cold water and to float.
3- Help to capture their attention and get them to play with you from behind the view glass.
4- Their favorite food is seals.
5- * Ground meat diet, root vegetable, and cow femur bones.

The Absent-Minded said...

- The extra layer of fat on a Polar Bear called Blubber .
- The two purposes of the extra fat are :
1- It helps the extra fat to be insulated .
2- It helps the extra fat to be able to float.
- Polar bears like to check out the visitors , and when they wear bright colors and a funny hat, Polar Bears will like it .
- The favorite food of a Polar Bear is seals.
- The three types of food the Polar Bears are fed at the zoo are: 1-ground meat diet made for carnivores.
2-dog kibble trout.
3-other fish

khalid albenali said...

1- Blubber.
2- It helps to insulate them from water, and it helps them to float.
3- To capture their attention and let them come ver to play with them.
4- seal is the favorite food.
5- Ground meet diet, root vegitable, and cow femur bones.