Sunday, February 4, 2007

Tuesday, Feb. 6th, Homework Assignment

Analyzing the News in "The True Cost of War" (pages 26-35), writer Weston Kosova explains the motivation behind this week's cover story.

BALAIL: Why did Newsweek write a cover story about 12 soldiers who died recently in Iraq? How did the story affect you? Did Newsweek achieve its goal as far as you are concerned?

KHALID: Why are helicopters particularly dangerous for Americans in Iraq? How many soldiers died in the helicopter crash on Jan. 20? What caused the crash?

HUSSAIN: How many American service personnel have died in Iraq? What is one reason the article gives for Americans feeling so little connection to the soldiers in Iraq?

MOHAMMED: Summarize the story of Sean Lyerly. Why are there so many helicopter flights in Iraq now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Losing a person who we love is hard to forget. It is harder for everyone when the person got killed. As usual we heard about murder and crime on TV or read it in the newspaper. In Newsweek magazine there is story about the 12 American soldiers who died in Iraq those days. The story talks about their lives and what they have done in the past. This story was written for many reasons. It might show how brave they are, keep in mind what wars left behind, or know why they are killed. I'm sure that could affect 80% of people' feeling when they know about it, especially if you know that most of them were coming from visit to their families. Also about the children and grandsons they left back home in the United States.