Friday, February 9, 2007

Tuesday, February 13th Assignment


Read the article on page 38, "To Reach for the Moon." Respond to ALL of the following questions:

Paragraph 1): What action did China take which could have risked a new arms race? What was the main result of this action? Do you feel China was justified in doing so?

Paragraph 2): Describe four of China's ambitions, or goals, for the heavens.

Paragraph 3): What did the Apollo missions first find in moon rocks? Why does the moon have an abundance of it but earth doesn't?

Paragraph 4): What do Chinese engineers need to do to accomplish their mission? How do you feel about the possibility of strip mines on the moon?

Space craft image is courtesy of


The Absent-Minded said...

First , it was a mistake destroying a refrigerator-size target sailing at orbit speed 500 miles up. And that damaged the orbit by throwing out more than 2 million pieces of shrapnel in the space. Four of China's ambitions were planning to do for the heavens , first is to send three men and they are gonna orbit the earth later this year. , and to put down a lunar rover samples and bring them home, and for Beijing and he wants to put men on the moon . they are after the (3He)and that can can used f=as a fuel for the nuclear fusion , and that first found on the moon rocks. and can't be found on the earth as the same as it in the earth because it can't be exist so free because it'll be an ordinary helium 4 in the earth. The chines need to design the world's first lunar mining machines and send them up . And striping mines on the moon can be one of the reasons that the world might end by in the future.

Anonymous said...

China shut down one of its weather satellites which made Americans thinking and asking why they did that. China's ambition itself has four goals need to progress. BY April 17China is gonna launch her an unmanned lunar orbiter.Later this year, they will send 3 men to the moon to orbit the earth. Also they plan to put down a lunar rover after 2 years. In 2020 a craft will collect samples from the moon and bring them back home where they will get their goals.
Apollo mission found Helium 3(3He) which is one cause of an abundance the moon has but the earth doesn't. Another reason is that the earth has the gravity (magnetic field) and the moon doesn't. If this mission needs to progress China's engineers need to design the lunar first and send it up to the moon. In my opinion, if this thing will progress it will cost a lot of money, but if it accomplish they will get more than they spent on it.

khalid albenali said...

1)The drifting wreckage is a danger not only to other counties spacecraft but to China's own ambitions for the heavens which go far beyond blinding the u.s.military. Beijing puts its first man into orbit less than four years ago.Today the Chinese are reaching for the moon. The recent test was a fine show of marksmanship, destroying a refrigerator size target sailing at orbited speed 500 miles up .
2) The national pride is a big force behind china moon program. The Chinese are aiming to do more than"just set up a flag or pick up a piece of rock" The staff bounces off earth's magnetic field but the moon has no magnetic field.
3) A potential fuel for nuclear fusion, was first found in moon rocks brought back by the Apollo missions.It is one constituent of the "solar wind" constantly given off by the sun.